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‘Lack of Russian military discipline’ could result in war crimes in Ukraine, says lawyer – BBC News



War crimes lawyer Sir Howard Morrison QC says a lack of Russian military discipline could be leading to thousands of alleged crimes in Ukraine.

He said that “a lot of people are doing whatever they want” in the war zone because “they think they can get away with it.”

Around 15,000 suspected war crimes have been reported in Ukraine since the war began, with 200 to 300 more reported daily, its chief prosecutor said.

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  1. @manassardar100

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    Nobody in the third world believes BBC since it's GIGANTIC lies before Iraq war. Lies that cost more than a million lives and upwards of 5 million refugees…

  2. @felipelim4750

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm


  3. @nadiasmith226

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    War crimes , yes do prosecute all war crimes. what about the UN ‘s claim that the war in Iraq was an illegal war, that killed 208 000 civilians . No one as of yet was prosecuted for those war crimes.
    Ukraine wants 7 billion dollars a month from the West to keep fighting . The West seems willing to cause a world wide Recession. Why this war more important to others , because of hatred for Russia and Putin . Count me among the many who don't really place any concern about where the border between Russia and Untraine is drawn.

  4. @machax002

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    remember the iraqi war crimes

  5. @truthalwayswins3078

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    Make that, the lack of discipline in Ukr ranks are resulting in war crimes like they still do every day shelling civilians.
    It would seem the BBC is racist and xenophobic. Russians are a different ethnic group, but still the same colour as us. Same happened in Iraq where US & UK killed a million people and the BBC was crickets about it, that is flat out racism. So don't pretend racism doesn't exist in the UK.

  6. @maxgainz8406

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    Is shooting handcuffed soldiers in the legs and then stomping on them still frowned on by the Geneva convention?

    If so someone should tell Ukraine

  7. @LiquidScreen

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    We are calling for an "International Referendum" for a non-trade borderless "One World and One Planned Production & Services" for all humans around the globe. We are sure majority of global people overwhelmingly will vote for a united "One World" for everyone around the world in order to protect the mankind from the capitalism and market economy. The new civilisation will have an ultimate global peace, global resources for everyone, healthy race relations, sustainable climate, good human health, stable mental wellbeing and good living standard for everyone around the world. No slaves. No exploitations. No Presidents. No Prime Ministers. No party political broadcasts. No rigged democracy. No puppet governments. No borders. No trading. No market economy. No stock market. No private ownership. No hedge fund managers. No banks. No billionaires. No millionaires. No shareholders. No politicians. No army. No navy. No air force. No intelligence services. No wars. No terrorist groups. No proxy wars. No war machines. No arms sales. No nuclear arms. No space wars. Everything is belonging to everyone around the world. Everyone will receive same wage. Everyone will have a peaceful live. Everything will be researched, planned and managed by the "People Councils" around the world using all available global resources for everyone with the following structures for the entire world.

    One standard wage for everyone during employment. One standard pension for everyone once you have retired. You have already contributed for everything through your labour at your work place for everything that you need for your life including your retirement entitlements and social care whether you are a cleaner, teacher, or pilot. No income tax. No national insurance. No VAT. All humans have the human rights to work fulltime with the following. You do not need to pay anything extra for the following. All included.

    All humans around the world will only be working 30 hours in a week with all included as follows.

    One Planned Production and Services for everyone around the world

    One price for all products and services around the globe

    Housing for everyone

    Healthcare for everyone

    Educations for everyone including free meals

    Employment training for everyone including free meals

    Full employment for everyone

    Full living wage for everyone (social credit or digital money – No printed money)

    Travel pass for everyone

    Holidays for everyone

    Social care for everyone

    Childcare for every child until they start schooling

    Full benefits for people who needs special needs and people cannot work from illnesses

    All One World admin staff and People Council’s members will receive same full living wage like everybody else.

    One standard pension for everyone

    No Borders & No Trading.

    There will not be any borders between continents and countries and there will not be any trading institutions in any sector. Global resources will be moved between continents and countries in order to make products and services for everyone around the world.

    Housing for everyone

    Housing cannot be sold. When someone passes away, the housing will be provided to another person, which can be their relative or third party.

    Holidays for everyone

    We can go anywhere around the globe for holidays as long as we have a provided permanent housing to live and work near your home.

    Wage, Money, and Price

    The worldwide centres will have all goods and services for everyone around the globe. The prices are for reference only in order to make the transaction between the consumer and the globe owned goods and services. When a consumer pays for an item, the price will be deducted from his bank account. We can call it wage, money or social credit, which is same for everyone weather you are a pilot and cleaner. There will not be any high street shops for selling goods and services.

    All global resources are belonging to everyone around the globe. One police force for the entire globe. One bank to keep our digital money to spend on products and services. No printed money. No trading. No interest rates. No borrowing. No quantitative easing money. No tax. No national insurance. No VAT. No profit making activities on any sector. No car production for private use. Motor vehicles are only for transporting goods and services. Public transports for individuals. No air planes for holiday makers. Air planes are only for transporting vegetables and medicines between continents and countries.

    Every sector will be planned and managed by People Councils for all sectors around the world. There will be various Citizen Councils for all different sectors. All People Council will have their own research and development departments for their sector. Decisions will be taken by the members of People Councils for the particular sector. There is no individual decision making. Decisions are collective from the People Council members. All admin staff will receive same wage like everybody else.

    We all will have an equal quality of living standard across the globe. Shall we come together under one admin for the borderless “One World”? If we say no, the capitalism and market economy will remain number ONE threat to global peace, global resources, race relations, climate, human health, mental wellbeing and living standard on any part of the world!

    The new culture of civilisation can only work if all nations come together under one administration including USA, China, Russia, India, Africa and all other countries around the world. The new culture will not be possible if USA or China or Russia or India refused to join the new civilisation. It can be done if all humans know their human rights. I have done my part to be a good human. If you have a better solution you can comment it here. I can write more in detail but Youtube has a words limit for making comments. Thank you for reading it very patiently.

  8. @silverianjannvs5315

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    BBC should focus on Ukraine soldiers, they are only good at targeting unarmed civilians

  9. @layjennsvlog8673

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    So America's soldier are most discipline? USA are the terror state

  10. @mitchellmanivong3070

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm


  11. @marcobronco7316

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    like nato ,us and eu

  12. @davidwilliams3439

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    BBC do u remember the evil murder rape and the stealing that the British empire did to people of the Caribbean and other parts of the world and you got away with it you should be asking yourself those questions

  13. @brettfarewell9784

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    The whole thing is a war crime lol

  14. @MrRESTEC

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    ) where this pig saw lack of discipline of Russian army?

  15. @theratking2261

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    just like iraq\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

  16. @russellspeed1693

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    They keep pushing this narrative- too much judgement, too little thinking.

  17. @magdalenapawlowska9037

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    Lies, lies and more lies. I’m Polish, I have Ukrainian friends, who blame their government and the west for this war. You need to dig deeper to find truth.

  18. @festomajor6086

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    And then what as long as USA,Britain and other European countries +NATO Were not held accountable to the atrocities committed in Libya,Iraq,Afghanistan no one will hold Russia A countable.

  19. @gumby2241

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    hypocrite, there is actual video of ukranians executing prisoners, yet not one peep from you and your ilk.

  20. @jason4275

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    Russia has never had a history of having discipline.

  21. @4555joe

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm


  22. @startrekkster2287

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    2014 War Crimes Netanyahu – IDF, Mossad and Security forces! American taxpaters dollaars goig to waste on a Zionist Nazi style false democray in the region! this aggression on Palestne peoples, NAKBA 48'. American OSS – CIA and British Military powers made Israel a state. with Baron rothschild and James Balfour 1917 blood deal. FOLLOW THE OIL PIPELINES, THE FORGOTTEN SPY! 2003 IRAQ, War of Lies Bush – Cheney all the way back to Native Indigenouus genocide 1492 to Wounded Knee 1973! FBI debacle! No indictments!

  23. @armaanpasha2438

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    Why don't BBC ever talk about Israeli (Palestine), Australian (Afghanistan) and American (Iraq) war crimes?

  24. @user-mv6nz5ky3p

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

  25. @forcharity553

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    ‘It’s time you report the truth’: Husam Zomlot lambasts western media especially the BBC coverage of Palestine

  26. @georgejamesducas9602

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    In 60 AD Apostle Saint Andrew traveled to the area of Kiev, preached, and said, one day a great city would be built here with many churches to the glory of God. Today there is a church to Saint Andrew in Kiev. The peoples in the area were Slavic. Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv, three brothers and the sister Lybid founded Kiev in 482 AD, Kiev was named after the older brother Kyi. Kiev the older brother was King. Herodotus wrote that Hercules had founded this land.

    The Rus were Viking tribes that settled peacefully in Kiev as far back as 750 AD with the Slavs there, 400 years before Moskva existed. The name Russia, coming from the city Moskva, has no connection to the RUS. Russia coming from Moskva started with Batu Kahn much later as a vasal under Mongolian rule. All the early Czars were Mongolian and of no connection to the RUS. The Rus were with the Slavs to the south in Kiev. Moskva were Finnish Urgic Tribes; Mosk means cow and Va water, which are Finnish names. There was no RUS there. The ethnic background of Moskva is Finnish-Urgic and Mongolian. The Rus developed the religion, city Kiev, alphabet, churches, and had its saints. The founder of Kievian Rus (800) or the Rus was a Viking named Askold or Oskold (Norse) from Sweden; not Oleg as in the Russian story. Kievian Rus exists long Before Novgorod and Oleg’s arrival there. Askold is the Slavic name. Oskold, the first King of Kievian Rus was in Kiev before Oleg in Novgorod. Oskold had 200 ships and 20,000 warriors. Oskold was baptized in Constantinople (128 years before Volodymyr) and sent the first bishop back to Kiev. Oskold and Dir were the first Dynasty of Kievian Rus. Askold rules from the 40-60s and Dir to the 80s. Askold is buried in Kiev and the first Kievian Christian King & Dynasty. Oleg followed coming from Sweden through Novgorod and was a pagan. Russia as named today started in the city of Moskva over 400 years later after Kievian Rus or Rus. From Kiev, the capitol of Rus, Kievian culture was spread, much like the Greeks Hellenized the known world, or like the British anglicized the world by the English language. This process does not make Moskva to become RUS in as much as Persian are not Greek. How we are misled by a name; Russia. The capitol of the RUS has always been Kiev. There is no other RUS and no RUS in Moskva. Many say Ukraine began recently; but the culture of the RUS is Kievian RUS, both culture and ethnic background. Ukraine is a name given by Poland meaning outer lands. The land of the RUS before the Mongolian invasion was very large. The name RUS is a Norse name which means men that row; there are no men that row in Moskva. So Moskva adopted the name Russia while being a Mongolian vassal, essentially traitor to the RUS; and all the Czars were Mongolian-Finnish. The Culture of the Mongolian was centralized power, and that cultural imprint was passed on to present day Russia. Ukraine’s real name should be Kievian RUS, or Kievskarus! Russia began in Moskva by Batu Kahn and Novgorod conquered much later, still no connection to the Rus.

    Putin & Lavrov should be ashamed of themselves, the USSR was an occupation; it never had the status of a sovereign state and due process of law that would be associated with a free society. Even today the mentality of the gulag exists. There is no freedom of press and speech, people are arrested for speech, there is no due process of law, and the religion is state run making it a totalitarian theocracy. As such, it did not deserve to exist in a free world; and history has shown such totalitarian organizations fail over time and author in many gulags. The true culture of Russia is Finno-Ugric and Mongolian, having nothing to do with the RUS (Kievian), expect borrowed as in the sense of Hellenized or Anglicized "forms" as a comparative reference. The centralized form of Russian politics is a very Mongolian imprint on culture. The actions of Putin seem to be another Mongolian invasion of Kiev; here I suggest as to the correct metaphor. I believe so. Putin & Lavrov insistence to have purview over eastern Europe also seems like paying tribute to the Mongolian Horde. Moskva started as an agglomeration of Finnish tribes, combining a Finnish name meaning cows water and developed by Mongolian culture. Mosk means cow and Va means water. The RUS are men that row, Vikings, Norse, established Kiev 400 years before (750 AD) Moskva even thought to exist. The name Russia for current nation is totally inappropriate. The current Russia started in Moskva; how misleading is the name Russia coming from Moskva that has no connection to the RUS. All the lands should be returned to Kiev; the West of Russia to Finland, and the East to Mongolia. Russia’s place on the globe appears as a temporary aberration in my view. To use threats of Nukes publicly strikes at the heart as adolescent behaviour; surely any nation or person that issues such threats and being an ally to such while not even having war imposed on them is not fit to rule. This would include allies of Russia. Oh yes, I remember, Russia didn't invent the bomb, they stole it in the 1940's and gave it to Kurchatov. Russia struggles with an identity crisis since its beginnings unoriginal to the ethnic groups. Its errors are numerous, 50 million killed by Stalin in WW2, allied to the Nazis to kill the Poles for their defeat in WW2, Holodomor where millions of Ukrainians were killed and grain stolen, and constant antagonist with Europe. We even have the Holy Mother announcing Russia’s errors at Fatima. Russia is a Mongolian culture and all the first Czars were Mongolian and Batu Kahn is the author.

    Oskold was the grandson of Ragnar the king of Sweden, his name is old Norse and spoke old Norse, the name Rus is old Norse, he settled peacefully in Kiev and the Slavs made him king, he brought Christianity to Kiev with his son dir…his burial mound is where St Nicholas church is built, Oleg wasn’t even in Novgorod when this happened, and Oleg is not a Rus nor old Norse name. The Slavs called Oskold the name Askold. After came Dir, Oleg was a pagan who assassinated Dir, Oskold becomes the first dynasty…later when the line of kings get to Vladimir, he is captured at a trading post by the Mongols, the post is called Moskva, and the king killed. Moskva as a city was a Mongolian invention, and Novgorod becomes a part of that Russia by conquest, although having nothing to do with the Rus. Oskold line is Ragnar, ironside, Oskold from the King of Sweden Ragnar. Oleg is via Rurik coming much later. The accounts of Oskold are within the time, Al Mamun an Arab writer of the time wrote of Oskold, the Russian chronicles come hundreds of years later. In much the same way accounts of relevant history are better understood by those of the times, much like the Bible, dating to the original times makes the account authentic. The Russian chronicles are merely a tale and inaccurate.

    Kiev was a city over 1000 years before Russia even existed. Kiev was Kievian Rus before Novgorod and when Oleg arrived. Putin is kidding himself if he thinks any part of Ukraine belongs to Russia. We can see that Israel belongs to the Jews, similarly all the lands around Kiev of Kievian Rus belong to Kiev as a single nation and city state. Russia's beginnings are a wanting child begun as a captive insurgency having nothing of its own; a captive state that was reeking in servitude to Mongolia and invented by Mongolia. The entire culture of Russia from Moscow is Mongolian centralized power, a pagan culture of no empathy and Christianity. The Christianity is tainted as a state religion or theocracy and politicized. History is often obscured by being written by the ones in charge. The history of Ukraine has been obscured by the Soviet Occupation and cultural appropriations. Moscow in an attempt to appropriate a history not its own, rewrote the narrative of history to cover up its compromised origins; Kiev and Ukraine is a history much older and more civilized; making contributions to civilization. Russian despotism becomes the blueprint, foundation & model for every despot nation, look at its allies; the error of its ways has spread throughout the globe; much like the message from the Holy Mother at Fatima. Those that are sympathetic to Russian atrocities can find similarities in their own histories. Ukraine has a democracy at a local level Moscow never had and fears. Russian boundless ignorance is a type often found in the poorest of nations, and usually the poorest have a history of the hardest tyrants over them that also inflict poverty, physical and spiritual, on others they attempt to subjugate, a reflection of their own lives, an abomination of desolation.

    Askold was in Constantinople in 860 and Oleg arrived in Novgorod not until 862. The Arabs referred to Askold as the Slavic King or King of the Slavs which he had been for a while. Pontius says Askold brings Christianity to Kiev from Constantinople and a bishop. Ragnar the Norse King of Sweden was born in 767 AD, his son Bjorn ironside was born in 796 AD, and grandson Oskold (Askold) was born in 820 AD. Askold arrived in Kiev in 840 and had a son Dir, Both become King and the first Christian dynasty. Askold dies and gets a burial mound in a park in Kiev. Dir follows as King. Dir is assassinated by Oleg who is a pagan. Nobody knows who Rurik is or who the father is . Oleg is a generation away from Askold. Olga of Kiev builds a church on Askold’ s burial grounds. Pontius of Constantinople says Askold brings a Bishop and Christianity to Kiev. Russia much later is a Mongolian invention…..

  27. @thetom12395

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    hasnt their already been war crimes in Ukraine so why make it sound like this could happen when it already has ;/

  28. @dkrawk8309

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    Man, how stupid do You think people are? Lack of desipline in Russian army? There's definitely lack of any kind of common sense in your heads

  29. @toradog5719

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    "Could"???. Thousands of war crimes by Russians are fully documented.

  30. @JohnCSmith-lp1qr

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    Another expert 💰

  31. @hemantchaudhari5901

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    Victory is justice done.
    Leave your land and save yourself and others. Not doing so, is revengeful and are waste of all good on earth, that is what military aid is! Let Russia acknowledge that you are defeated.
    No use of assumptious argument.
    Since February, Zelensky's unable to save Ukrainian lives is proven.
    This war , do not fall in this Zelensky trap.
    Ukraine, ceasefire, surrender and war is over

    What has world got do? Ukraine, ceasefire, surrender and war is over. Military and personal loss of life because of Ukraine. No, this is Ukraine's crime that is bourgeois . No, this cannot be allowed allowed, appeasing and running media, gamers, terrorist countries and salaries machine, it is an empty revenge and is inhumane, even when somebody helps.
    This war , do not fall in this Zelensky trap. You have been given option to surrender, you fought, that is your sin You can saved their lives and still can reduce further losses. Save people's lives even if it means slavery. Let Ukraine's military do a complete surrender to clear the path for Peace. Signal your military surrender, defeat and peace to stop loss of lives! Come to your self senses. Ukraine to SURRENDER today. Contact Russian military to sign total surrender Since February, Zelensky's unable to save Ukrainian lives is proven.What kind of leadership, taking million, billion, had you surrendered, life would have been saved. Let Russia acknowledge that you are defeated!
    Other Ukrainian s have followed the Wise path and gone to other countries, you must go, evacuate, leave your land and save yourself and others.
    You can saved their lives and still can reduce further losses.

    Do not use these comments to con or do double dealing, backstabbing, doing the similar opposites with letters etc in the comments.

  32. @danangpramudito4144

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    USA and NATO killed thousands civilian people in Iraq, Afghan, libya , syiria, vietnam and in other place that is war crimes too

  33. @ropersix

    January 23, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    Russians are very disciplined about committing war crimes. Atrocities don't just happen by accident with them.

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UN says Israeli strike killed six of its Gaza staff | BBC News



The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (Unrwa) says six of its employees have been killed in an Israeli air strike on a school it runs in central Gaza.

Gaza’s Hamas-run Civil Defence agency said a total of 18 people were killed in Wednesday’s strike on al-Jaouni school in Nuseirat refugee camp, which is being used as a shelter by thousands of displaced Palestinians.
Israel’s military said it carried out a “precise strike on terrorists” planning attacks from the school, and that it had taken measures to avoid harm to civilians.
UN Secretary General António Guterres condemned the strike, saying: “What’s happening in Gaza is totally unacceptable”.

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Russia strips accreditation of six British diplomats | BBC News



Russia has revoked the accreditation of six British diplomats it has accused of spying. The country’s security service FSB claimed …


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Putin warns West it risks “fighting Russia” if it lets Ukraine use long-range missiles | BBC News



Russia’s President Putin has warned that the United States and European countries would be “directly participating” in the war in …


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Who is Ryan Routh, the suspect in apparent Trump assassination attempt? | BBC News



The suspected gunman in the apparent assassination attempt of former US President Donald Trump appeared before a court in Florida today.

Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, has been charged with federal gun crimes – possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obstructed serial number.

Court documents show that Routh was hiding on the edge of Trump’s Florida golf course for nearly 12 hours before the apparent assassination attempt.

Trump was unharmed during the incident on Sunday – it is the second apparent attempt on his life in two month.

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UK meat exports delayed for days due to new Brexit customs rules – BBC News



British meat exports are facing long delays, sometime for days, because of extra customs checks and paperwork after the end of the Brexit transition period.

The meat producers’ trade body says exports are at just 25% of normal volumes for the time of year. They say the new rules are “not fit for purpose”.

The UK exports £15 billion worth of food and drink to the EU every year. A third of it is perishable meat, fish and fresh produce.

Sophie Raworth presents BBC News at Ten reporting by business editor Simon Jack.

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