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The doctor fleeing Tennessee over Covid – BBC News



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  1. @AlexisChateau

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    I left Georgia with my RV in the middle of the pandemic height in 2020 and "fled" to the west so I totally understand this. I spent the worst of the pandemic in California by choice because it's the only state I felt safe in as a high-risk person. People were more considerate of me and other high-risk persons and all my neighbours were happily vaccinated. I'm back here again in 2023 and most of us have had our boosters. Some of us (myself included) have not had COVID despite traveling full-time. I've been to about 6 countries since the start of the pandemic and lived in 3. I still mask in airplanes and follow all the original guidelines from the CDC. Other people can afford to slack off, I guess, but for high-risk persons, the threat of COVID is always looming overhead. I have yet to move back to Georgia and don't think I will ever live there full-time again. The heartbeat bill was already a red flag for me, but the way Kemp handled the pandemic was the final straw. These days Georgia does seem to be doing better, but we'll see.

  2. @adamstepic8083

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    She is pretty obese. I would never listen to her on good health advice.

  3. @n3coreGames

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Great job BBC you peddled covid vax propaganda and pushed angry liberals comments. Now the shot doesn't stop transmission or infection . Liberals get out of there and move to a communist state like cali where I'm leaving to a place with real freedom.

  4. @te2952

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Funny seeing this today. Everyone from California, Georgia, and New York are moving to TN in the millions to escape the mandates from Blue states, because they are fed up with the crap. Tennessee believes in the freedom to choose for yourself, we are not controlled idiots. We believe in our constitution, if you don't like it, move out of TN! We are full, and we don't want you here either!

  5. @ctrent3894

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Yeah but didn't it come out that she actually bought the muzzle herself.

  6. @anguschoi9122

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    I hope they can save

  7. @jodydavis6238

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Love Tennessee. Really tough to take an obese doctor serious.

  8. @moviemusicmash4899

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    If she is so uncomfortable living in a freedom of choice state maybe she should move to China. Then she will feel so much better knowing everyone will wear masks, get locked up in their homes, have their bank accounts frozen. That should make her happy!

  9. @moviemusicmash4899

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    This is a load of BS misinformation, BBC is no different from FOX news. GFY

  10. @budoboy

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    We literally bought a house in Tennessee because of California's ridiculous overreaction to Covid. My 16-year-old son could not sit in a food court and drink a smoothie without providing proof of vaccination. He also was forced to stay home a year and a half and do zoom school which was a complete waste of time although he was never in much danger from covid. We all know now how well those vaccinations stopped the spread of covid and how well those mandated cloth masks worked

  11. @Moseman-te1oq

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    This chick gets fired for pushing the vaccine I got fired from the City of San Diego for not taking the vaccine and this is about public health

  12. @BlownMacTruck

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Why is there so much b-roll of this reporter showing off his camera equipment or awkwardly setting up really bad placard shots, like the projections on the walls and ceiling? Was he also the editor? In one scene he even talks about how someone is holding his camera. Because his gear fetish is incredibly distracting.

  13. @msimmons2

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Pcr test was faulty and I’m glad Tennessee didn’t fall for bought Fauci science. The same guy that killed men with aids and AZT and Remdesivir. Glad you two are somewhere your fear works better. This video is so full of lies. Shame on you for not asking more questions from captured agencies.

  14. @kgirl310

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Besides a muddled comment about education and rabbit holes, Sarah complained about the radical laws in California but couldn't articulate which she disagreed with. This is what happens when lonely uninformed people go to Trump pep rallies, they suddenly believe that they are more knowledgeable than a Poli Sci major.

  15. @kgirl310

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Conservatives and Christians in name only. They do not love, unite, or demonstrate any of the family values that they've spent over 30 years lecturing us on. These adults suddenly care about the sensitivity and mental health of children? Weren't they the ones who mocked us when we wanted to foster the self esteem of youth and awarded everyone a trophy? Their lies, hypocrisy, hate and bigotry has gotten to a place that we may never recover from.

  16. @alstorcookadomzampa2474

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Glory be to God for leading me to this genuine Doctor #Drokiti I’m so happy to share this testimony.., My advice to you all who thinks that there is no cure for herpes that it's Not true

  17. @SmileyRays

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Refusing to wear a mask in public during a pandemic is murder.

  18. @Israelite355

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Yeah that Flag! As a African American woman in the US of The Capital A! All I see when I look at that Flag is Racist! The US is Racist! Period!

  19. @mm5478

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    If anyone is a groomer it must be Rod. He doth protest too much.

  20. @mm5478

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    America, where folks are free to be as stupid, hostile and dead as they wish. Let’s Go Covid makes so much more sense than the stupid Brandon line.

  21. @gedionkyng3413

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Meeting #Droziengbe on YouTube has really change my life, after many years of suffering I have finally been cured from Genital Herpes thanks #Droziengbe God bless you🤲🏽

  22. @SamSung-tw3vi

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Shelley and Brad, you stuck to your convictions and did your jobs. Be proud of that.

  23. @terrancealeong7934

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Brain dead people

  24. @Vairrion

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    “I’m being canceled for screaming at people we know who you are we know where you’re from despite having no kids at thst school or at all “

    No buddy those are called consequences for harassment

  25. @I_report_scammers_spammers

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    waaaaah waaaaah waaaaaaaaaah I was a complete flaming @SS#0!3 to someone I had no business screaming at and waaaaah waaaaaaaah waaaah now those mean people say they want me to stop lying waaaaaaaaaahhhh i'm so perfect because i'm so good looking and i'm just a musician and phreedumbz waaaaaaah

  26. @ipekseda3087

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    People should be allowed to do WHATEVER they want: die of a pandemic when you dont have to.
    Also, no more pants in restaurants and smoke wherever you want. Yeehaw!!!

  27. @Isador911

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Having lived in TN I am not surprised at all by this. This kind of ridiculous Crazy is part of the reason we left.

  28. @doofussays4313

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Tennessee is not known for their intelligence. So sad this Dr and her family have to leave their home cause people around them are so ignorant. So stupid.

  29. @annmeacham5643

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    What a hypocritical idiot that young man is! He’s screaming, “We know where you live!” Then whines about the consequences.

  30. @l.morningstarr1870

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Living in red NC is exactly the same ! I make it a point to mind my own business especially when in public. I have no desire to engage these folks or try to change their minds because I know it’s a waste of time, and also it gives them a perfect target for that aggression they’re dying to let loose. I’ve had 3 “run ins” initiated by anti-maskers in the last 6 months. The last one was a clerk at a convenience store. She was visibly livid because I was wearing a mask. She kept pointing to it and making snide remarks about it , calling it “that ridiculous thing on your face”. THE CLERK. Aren’t you at work? It was so inappropriate and aggressive. There were even a couple of EMTs in uniform on duty giving me nasty looks and snickering at the clerks remarks to me. I was so shocked – even for this area that was over the top. It was so aggressive, and for the second time I genuinely felt unsafe. The first was a man in Walmart, no mask, standing so close to me it looked like we were a couple. I could hear his breathing. When I finally asked him to please back up a little, he and the woman behind him started scoffing and making comments about me being a “paranoid hysteric”. And were acting like I was being unreasonable because I didn’t want this man I didn’t know standing literally 10 inches from my left shoulder, IN WALMART. They love to accuse others of being aggressive and unruly but around here I’ve only seen the aggression coming from one direction. They’re also in the process of ruining what was once a highly desirable school district with their personal politics. They are making teachers who are sick and still testing positive report to work anyway – just learned this today in a parents group where teachers can post anonymously. The BOE members here are openly racist, and routinely go on political rants about trump, “illegals”, CRT, and every other cliche you hear on FOX etc. It’s heartbreaking. We bought acreage with the intention of being here a long time. Now we’re facing that we may have to sell and leave the state. We have friends in England, France, and Germany who are encouraging us to ex-pat. We had hoped this would get better and things would die down, but it seems to be ramping up with the elections coming around again. Now they’re doing book bonfires. No one burning books has ever been on the right side of history. Its starting to feel now like we should get out while we can. This is all so surreal.

  31. @Dapper_Dean

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    If we didn't have mandated immunizations before attending grammar school.
    We would still have polio, small pox, and other diseases running rampant in our country.
    That's why the logic thinking of the right wing conspiracy theorists makes no damn sense. 🙄

  32. @amapparatistkwabena

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Ignorance+arrogance+fear+hate= White evangelical Americans + bad faith politicians + corporations + a sprinkling of ill-informed people of color. So sad. If American education were at least just average, we could have fought off these foolish people who are so gullible and misinformed. I hope for a graceful ending for this doctor and her family. In moments like these I wonder why after nearly 15 years away I chose to come back. Next time I leave, unless these fools in office are voted out and we live another day, I won't be coming back long-term except for visits or my own funeral. Good riddance.

  33. @joemanly9519

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Rod didn't seem very loving when he was yelling. Doctors should leave the state.

  34. @karrithebestlira3085

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    That song writer needs to stay in his lane, all his information is coming from unreliable sources, using a deadly disease to further his singing career is gross. Attending a school board meeting when he doesn't even have any children is being opportunistic. Let's all pray this man NEVER procreates.

  35. @karrithebestlira3085

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    I feel for these people, the unreasonable stance against vaccinations goes against all the evidence that vaccinations work. Smallpox, mumps, measles, and polio are almost never seen because of mandatory vaccination of all children. Why are people taking issue now? Because of misinformation on the internet and Fox news. IMO the freedom of speech has come at too high a price, that price is the price of living in a perpetual pandemic costing millions their lives.

  36. @battles423

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    I live in middle Tennessee. These people are in love with Trumptard. It’s a bunch of racist people who can’t stand to see the country changing slowly for the better. These white people want to go back to 1920s when white people controlled everything.

  37. @battles423

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Rod who was screaming at parents at a school board meeting doesn’t even have kids. What weirdo hangs around school kids at 30 something year old.

  38. @clairechickering-williams3646

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    #Tennessee is sh*thole. I never seen so many missing teeth. Towns with no school or Medical office at all. They burn books for F sake 🤣

  39. @Dee-jq2ob

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Republican party at it's finest 🤦

  40. @kris2672

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    "I'm not hateful, I make love songs" and Hitler was a stand up guy that just made art, action man needs to wind his neck in a go read more

  41. @christinaOmNamahShivayo

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    No more masks and no more ignoring that science is not settled! I moved to TN from a state that is under tyrannical rule. The media is part of blowing up the lies in the pandemic. Public health should include actual information on HEALTH not pharmaceuticals. Bill Lee is actually not far right he’s very middle ground. She left because she couldn’t push the agenda, Plus she mailed the dog muzzle to herself! TN is one of the last states allowing common sense. God bless America and freedom to choose health for ourselves

  42. @kipwheeler7188

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    He's also got something else.

  43. @gino007able

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Both of you are the real hero's the rest of them are fools. sign a waiver with the government, if you don't get the COVID 19 vaccine you don't get medical treatment if you get sick from COVID. why should I pay for your choice?

  44. @susanrice2146

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    OR nurse here. 40+ years. I would say we certainly know that masks do help prevent spread. And I wore masks for 8-16 hours A day. Ignorance beyond belief. 😷

  45. @piros44

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    What pisses me off the most is all the people from Republican counties coming to the cities to get treated for covid when they’re sick and dying. They treat healthcare workers like crap and take all the beds. People in my city have died because there wasn’t a hospital bed available nor a doctor to treat them. All because these incredibly self centered, narcissistic, delusional, conspiracy theorist idiots are taking all our resources. What’s more, many of them are not insured so my insurance will go up to pay for their treatments. And then I hear them spewing endless vitriol at me and my state. I’m sick of them! I’m sick of them forcing their insane stone ages religious views on everybody. I don’t believe their fairy tales yet they are forcing their BS on us. They’re going to outlaw abortion and n ow they’re taking about getting rid of Griswald which gave us our right to privacy. That means they can monitor pregnant women and punish them when they don’t do what they think they should. They will outlaw contraception next. All to control us with their make believe sky people. I’m so sick of the religious nut jobs! I don’t care what they believe in their own lives but what the hell gives them the right to force it on everybody else?

  46. @happyexpat3744

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    I was taken aback when she said how much "choice" is important to the residents of Tennessee…especially when they are working to take away a person's "choice" of what to do with their bodies…if pregnant, for example. They are taking away people's "choice" of what to read, by censuring what and what will not, sit on their library's shelves. IE…"To Kill a Mockingbird", I believe I recently read, was being pulled, amongst others. Why? People in this video state that they should have choices…yet choose to tell me what I, or my kid, can read or if my daughter become pregnant, either better find out quickly or have to go to another state for an abortion, if that should be her choice. Why is her choice or my choice to allow her to read certain things less important than other's rights to not wear a mask……especially when their right not to mask or vaccine is infringing on my right to try to stay healthy? To not die? My kid reading a book is not infringing on anyone else's rights. It is all BS and I wonder how many couples like the couple featured above, are having to flee these days because of threats to their safety? I already know that answer. Sadly.

  47. @vickieskridge1220

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    This pandemic has given us the knowledge of how ignorant nearly 50% of our population is!! These doctors have risked their lives and the lives of their families to save your life!!!! If this pandemic had been treated as the death wave it was in the beginning, we would not be here! The constant lies caused 100's of thousand people to die! This doctor told the truth and for that she's been ostracized! How sad and scary that this country is so ignorant!!!

  48. @ABC1701A

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    That anti mask parent at the school meeting claiming that the people (I suspect he actually meant the young lad who tragically lost his grandmother to COVID and was then mocked for asking masks to be worn and others like him) were sick was right. Only it is the people like him who are sick, he was unintentionally speaking about/describing himself and those like him.
    The US is a dying nation who cares more about war and funding their war machine than doing anything to actively help their own citizens.
    Fortunately I live in a country which hasn't, to date, been infected by this US madness. Unfortunately the country where my family and my in-laws (husband and son-in-law) families all live has been infected by this spreading web of madness and insanity (NZ).
    Thank you BBC for an unbiased, factual and rather terrifying report. May their deity help them.

  49. @Sleepingsparklegirl

    January 27, 2024 at 10:04 am

    The wanna be musician needs to feel the same way he made other people feel for him to get any insight into what it is to be human. He’s garbage.

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