News UK
Sue Gray report received by UK PM Boris Johnson – BBC News
News UK
President Joe Biden warns of “dangerous” oligarchy taking shape in farewell speech | BBC News
Outgoing US President Joe Biden warned of the dangers of an oligarchy gaining power as he delivered his farewell address and …
News UK
Gaza ceasefire deal being finalised, says Palestinian official | BBC News
The terms of a deal between Israel and Hamas for a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages are being finalised, a Palestinian official familiar with the negotiations has told the BBC.
It comes as US President Joe Biden said a deal was “on the brink” of coming to fruition, and that his administration was working urgently on the matter.
An Israeli official also told news agency Reuters that negotiations were in “advanced stages”, with a deal possible in “hours, days or more”.
Biden spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday, and with Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani of Qatar, who is mediating the negotiations.
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News UK
Can Donald Trump keep his promises? | BBC News
The BBC’s Analysis Editor, Ros Atkins looks at some of the key pledges made by Donald Trump on the campaign trail – and whether he’ll be able to achieve them.
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News UK
Gaza ceasefire talks resume in Qatar with Israel and Hamas close to deal | BBC News
Negotiations are resuming in Qatar to finalise a ceasefire deal in the Gaza Strip and for the release of hostages, with signs that …
News UK
Red Sea dive-boat survivors tell of terrifying escapes | BBC News
The survivors of an Egyptian dive boat sinking have told the BBC about the moment the ship went down.
Thirty-five people were rescued from the wreck of the Sea Story, an Egyptian dive vessel that sank in the Red Sea on 25 November last year. Four bodies were recovered and seven people are still missing.
Using animations to illustrate their testimony, this is the minute-by-minute account of the sinking.
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#RedSea #BBCNews
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January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Out comes the black marker pen !!!
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
while all your all busy being blinded by the nonesense of thier script your focus about what is really going on is something else……..its up to us to turn things around – to come away from all your earthly desires, love of money, love of falsities etc the government gods as i call them which they are as everyone seems to have faith in them……….there is something much bigger coming.its been here before and is due to come again very soon and they know it……….…..there sees to be far to many who walk according to their own desires…….
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Did Boris Johnson have a dead cat on his head? Or did the cat have some kind of muck stuck to the tail
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Brussels Broadcasting Company (BBC) spin ?
Report after report shows now political motivations in so called experts that after the event have not called one fact correctly spun their agenda’s in the media to damage the country but are still being lorded by the media ?
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Open up
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Сью Грейстің есебі қазір берілді, министрлер кабинетінің өкілі Сью Грей премьер-министр Борис Джонсонға өзінің тергеуі туралы жаңартуды ұсынғанын айтты, сондықтан бұл есептің премьер-министрге жіберілгенін растайды, бірақ мен солай деп ойлаймын. Бұл дегенді білдіреді, бірақ ол премьер-министрге өзінің тергеулері туралы жаңартуды бергенін айтады, сондықтан біз министрлер кабинетінің өкілінен алған нақты дәйексөзде әлі біраз түсініксіз, бірақ бұл есептің енгізілгенін білдіруі керек, өйткені бұл біз бүгін күткен нәрсе еді, бірақ біз әлі де бұл туралы нақтылық алуымыз керек, өйткені біз есеп өткен аптада жарияланады деп күткен едік, ал аптаның басында біз есептің толық жариялануын күткен едік. бірақ біз көріп отырғанымыздай, бір апта саясатта ұзақ уақыт болды және бір аптаның ішінде бәрі күрт өзгерді, әрине, елордалық полиция құлыптау кезінде бұл таңғы көше кештеріне қатысты тергеу жүргізетінін айтты, сондықтан бұл суретті түбегейлі өзгертті және Бұл біз тәттіден есепті алған кезде, бұл құлыптау кезінде Даунинг-стритке бөлінген 16 немесе одан да көп жиналыстарды ескере отырып, бастапқыда күтілген толық есеп болмайды дегенді білдіреді, себебі бұл партиялардың сегізіне дейін қазір жұмыс істейді. полицияның тергеуі, бірақ мен тағы да «ой» сөзін қолданамын, өйткені бізде жағдайдың қандай екендігі туралы толық түсінік жоқ, біз полицияның кейбір оқиғаларды тергеп жатқанын білеміз, ал полицияны зерттемейтіндер тәртіпсіздік туралы хабарламаға қосылуы мүмкін. , сондықтан мен бұл жолды қайталаймын, бізде министрлер кабинетінің өкілінен растай алатынымыз туралы бір ғана жол бар Сью Грей премьер-министрге өзінің тергеулері туралы жаңартуды ұсынды деп айту, егер есептің бағасы премьер-министрдің жоспарына түскен болса, бұл оның бүгін таңертең болғанын білдіреді, аздап бұл ол оны қарай бастағанда, оның үкіметіне қарауға бірнеше сағат уақыты болады, содан кейін парламентте мәлімдеме болады, ал парламент бүгін 30-дан бастап сессияда, сондықтан одан кейін біраз уақыт өтеді, сондықтан бұл Саяси редакторымыз Лаура Кунсбергтен алған соңғысы, және біз, әрине, бұл туралы кез келген жаңа оқиғаларды алған бойда бізді жаңартып отырамыз, бірақ тыныш отырыңыз, Сугрейдің баяндамасы кейінірек шығатын сияқты.
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Отчет Сью Грейс был передан теперь, представитель кабинета министров сказал, что Сью Грей предоставила обновленную информацию о своем расследовании премьер-министру Борису Джонсону, так что это является подтверждением того, что отчет был отправлен премьер-министру, хотя я предполагаю, что именно это это означает, но в нем говорится, что она предоставила обновленную информацию о своих расследованиях премьер-министру, так что все еще немного неясно в той точной цитате, которую мы получили от представителя кабинета министров, но предполагается, что это означает, что отчет ушел в, потому что это то, что мы ожидали сегодня, но нам все еще, очевидно, нужно получить ясность по этому поводу, потому что мы ожидали, что отчет будет опубликован на прошлой неделе, а в начале недели мы ожидали, что отчет будет опубликован полностью. но, как мы видели, неделя — это долгий срок в политике, и все резко изменилось в течение недели, когда, конечно, столичная полиция заявила, что они будут запускать n расследование этих предполагаемых вечеринок на рассветной улице во время блокировки, так что это резко изменило картину и означало, что, когда мы получим отчет от сладкого, это будет не полный отчет, который ожидался изначально, рассматривая 16 или около того собраний, которые были выделено на Даунинг-стрит во время блокировки, это связано с тем, что, возможно, до восьми из этих сторон сейчас являются предметом полицейского расследования, но снова я использую слово «думал», потому что у нас нет полной ясности в том, какова ситуация, мы просто знаем, что полиция расследуют некоторые события, а те, которые не расследует полиция, смогут быть включены в отчет о волнении, поэтому позвольте мне просто повторить эту строчку, что у нас есть только одна строчка от представителя кабинета министров, говорящая, что мы можем подтвердить, что Сью Грей предоставила обновленную информацию о своих расследованиях премьер-министру, если дело в том, что цена, которую отчет теперь приземлился на план премьер-министра k это будет означать, что он отсутствовал этим утром, немного будет означать, что как только он взглянет на это, у ее правительства будет несколько часов, чтобы посмотреть, затем будет заявление в парламенте, и парламент заседает сегодня с 30, так что это будет быть через некоторое время после этого, так что это последнее, что у нас есть от Лауры Кунсберг, нашего политического редактора, и мы, конечно, будем держать нас в курсе, как только получим какие-либо новые события по этому поводу, но сиди смирно, похоже, что отчет Сугрея выйдет позже
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Boris Johnson was a goner as soon as the public learned about his big parties at the same time he had the police jumping people for taking a walk in the park. The only question was would he go by himself or would he take the political party with him. Now it is looking like he will dismantle his own party.
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Pregnant NZ woman helped by Taliban for delivery
A pregnant New Zealand journalist who was stranded in Afghanistan by her country's Covid boarder policy.
The reporter had earlier celled senior Taliban contacts and was told she could give birth in Afghanistan.
The offer amounted to a backdown after officials had earlier insisted Bellis needed to reaply force spot in the country's bottlenecked quarantine hotels.
Her case was beginning an embarrasment to New Zealand. Bellis was disappointed the decision didn't offer a pathway for other pregnant New Zealanders.
Taliban showed humanitarian sympathy for New Zealander woman
journalist who needed help on humanitarian ground. It is appreciable indeed.
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
The BBC and the media is now controlled by Russia. Russia brainwashed Americans into voting for Biden, they will do the same for Starmer as both are soft touches and they will allow Russia to expand just like what is happening right now.
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Let's talk about why the fuck Britain, America are setting Russia up., why the fuck British transfered evidence to Germany/ salisbury incident . What's Britain's obsession with putin .
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Anything save face embarrassment.
They will fob it off
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Is Boris Johnson a liar!?
Can a box of matches start a fire!?
Does junk mail get sent to the occupier!?
Can a clothes dryer get clothes dryer!?
Yes! Boris Johnson is a liar!
Can Damian Hurst find a buyer!?
Did Robin Hood befriend a fryer!?
Does Neil Young use an amplifier!?
Does a tracksuit look good on Danny Dyer!?
Yes! Boris Johnson is a liar!
Was Pythagoras a good multiplier!?
Does Private Eye tend to lean towards a bit of satire!?
Was the World Trade Towers a good place to string a high wire!?
Is it all a bit like The Mercy Seat sung by a Christmas choir!?
Yes! Boris Johnson is a liar!
Does Stanley affectionately refer to his son as The Cheeky Falsifier!?
Do cowboys sit and fart around a campfire!?
Can you remove more passion if you had the desire!?
Does Number 10 provide all that a party can require!?
Yes! Boris Johnson is a liar!
Would it be a foreign grain of truth you might find if you had a magnifier!?
Does a cricket game need an umpire!?
Did he have an impressive record of breaking rules prior!?
Does all this make him a truth denier!?
Yes! Boris Johnson is a liar!
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
another report you will get to see in one hundred years,
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Brussels Broadcasting Company (BBC) spin ?
Police investigation into drinking at no 10 ?, but don’t care to investigate children being raped by sex gangs ?
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
BBC's after Boris downfall. They are never biased at all in any way or form. They are fair and square. Just listen how this reporter is making her report very very clear without any strain or struggle with regards to the way she's fairly conducting her news report. Their intention is only and only to get rid Boris Johnson and they're happy to do so. But as I have said, they arent biased at all -never biased
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Brussels Broadcasting Company (BBC) spin ?
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Ignoring this psyop pantomime for a moment…
War is raging in Myanmar
When the BBC reports on the Myanmar conflict…
A few rules need to be front and center..
When the BBC describes.. A "coup"
Read.. A UK puppet dictator was deposed.
When the BBC describes rebel resistance fighters…
"uk financed, terrorist mercenaries."
Thanks for reading…
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
do not rush to conclusions, i will not comment on the ‘gatherings’ until we receive sue’s report… do not rush to conclusions, i will not comment on the ‘gatherings’ until we receive the Met’s report… in fact we shall never comment, nor admit to any wrong doing. i am without shame and do not care about the people who elected me nor the awful two years they’ve had to endure while i act the way i choose. disgusting. absolutely disgusting.
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Where’s the breaking news?
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
This is a joke !!! What a load of waffle
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Cops will drag it out to help Lie Minister get off
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
The British Version of the American Mueller Report.
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Does anybody feel we are watching a bad movie 🎬
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
There has been far too many accusations against Mr Johnson mainly over a few controlled get togethers during the Christmas period.The Crucks of the matter lies with those who are attempting to enhance their political positions at the expense of ruining a proven successful PM.Motivations range from Brexit to self advancement.Politics has become a Dirty word with characters willing to debase themselves in the name of advancement.For Gods sake we need to tackle the major events that have unfolded in recent times.The lack of help offered to the PM for these events has been zilch in favour of petty political sculdugary to influence the gullible.
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
He's disgusting. What's even worse – if anything worse were possible – are the front bench toadies going along with this.
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
God may your Holy Spirit equip all who work in the media to be seekers after truth, so that our world’s headlines and news feeds may draw nearer to your ways of justice, mercy and humility that we see in Jesus Christ Set us on a path to promote the common good and to help the poor and vulnerable in society
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Johnson’s a liability and will continue to heap discredit upon an already inept corrupt amoral and unaccountable govt.
I think we’ve reached critical mass – he’s just too damaged. Sadly any replacement will not provide significant relief. Sunak already met with US healthcare providers…..
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
What a load of rubbish , it's all being covered up. hoping we will forget ,
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Defund the BBC
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Not that important for all the media hype. Party’s? The complainers are hypocrites…. mostly probably. What a scam
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Legends have it Boris is preparing for his leaving party this weekend, everyone is invited
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Shame they don't investigate child trafficking and abuse this quick… This is, all a distraction so they can uppercut us to the jaw with an economical crash, digital currency, and their new 'laws' being rushed through the back door of number 10 whilst we're all salivating like Thirsty wolves for some blood…
It's all been orchestrated, and Bozzo has run his part in the race before passing the baton on to the next corrupt puppet…this is the game guys.. This is political ping pong 101.
Trust me, I'm not a Doctor, a politician, a Physician, an oncologist, an economist, or a health minister… But then again, none of the ones you vote for are either, they're all Etonion elitists.. 🙄😳
January 25, 2024 at 10:32 am
Scumbag media reporting on scumbag politicians